First Contact Ch. 02: The Farm

Hannah curled and flicked her fiery auburn hair over one shoulder after tossing her flannel shirt into the laundry basket. Unclasping a black lacy bra and freeing her impressively perky double d breasts, Kate shied away, eyes firmly locked onto the wooden floor. Hannah's pierced nipples pushed through the thin fabric of the white tank top as she pulled it pulled on. Putting her hair up into a messy bun, she grinned at Kate's embarrassment at seeing her naked.

"Come on, you've seen a pair of tits before." She jokes, slumping down onto the bed next to Kate.

"Yeah, my own is enough for me." She snaps back, cheeks flushing red.

The two high school seniors sat with their missing friend Miranda's phone in between them. After the park had been closed off by the sheriff, Hannah and Kate had snuck in and found the crash site. They'd bolted after being spooked by a pair of patrolling officers.

"We should've just handed it in to the police." Kate sheepishly murmurs.

"You saw that giant - thing. That was way outside of the sheriff's jurisdiction."

"So? They'll call people in who can help and find Miranda."

Hannah scoffs at Kate's trust in the system and government. Lifting herself back up from the bed, she struts over to the telescope and lightly fiddles with the dials, to which Kate leaps up and slaps her hand away.

"What're you doing! You know how long it took to set up." Kate checks the telescope over, making sure all the settings are what they were.

"Yeah, I do, how much longer is this nerdy shit going to be here for?"

"You said it'd be fine for me to bring it over."

Kate was observing the night sky, taking long exposure shots as part of her thesis. Hannah lived on a farm just on the outskirts of Little Lake, away from the light pollution, perfect to view clear skies providing the weather held up. Her parents had travelled to the city to sell produce and animals, so she had the house for the week.

"Let's at least have some fun." Hannah slouches at her desk, pushing a pencil around.

Kate ignores her, taking out the notebook and jotting down the process to later write up in her essay. Hannah spends the next hour scrolling aimlessly through her phone, flicking through dating apps and social media. Kate's staring dreamily at the clear night sky when she notices a bright twinkle. Quickly she presses her eye to the view port. Carefully adjusting the telescope she eventually locks onto the bright object.

"What the fuck is that." She mumbles.

"What is what?" Hannah lazily grunts.

The object, clearly visible through the telescope, was entering the atmosphere and burning up on entry. Kate was in shock, body pulsing with adrenaline as she moved Hannah's eye to the view port. Dazzlingly bright, the two young women reeled back as the foreign object slammed into the barn. Crashing through the roof and followed by a plume of black smoke. Hannah rushed through the house and out the door, hearing the animals crying out as a fire started to tear through the old wooden structure.

"Call for help!" Hannah shouted back as she charged out the front door and onto the porch.

Kate chased after her, fumbling with her phone whilst trying to keep up. No signal, she screamed forward to Hannah who had already managed to swing the enormous door open. The fire crackled and spat as it consumed the bails of hay and climbed up the back wall. At the centre of the barn, a gigantic metal cube. As big as a small car, Hannah scarpered around it, ignoring the strange object and instead focused on saving the animals. Unlatching the first gate, she urged the horses out. Kate stood at the entrance, begging Hannah to be careful as she searched for even one bar of signal.

Hannah struggled with the lock to the pig pen, which had taken a hit after this thing had crashed through the roof. She froze as the sound of metal grinding together reverberated through the barn. Snapping her head around to look over her shoulder, the top of the metal cube had changed, it had opened. Giant legs sprouted forth and Hannah leapt over the gate and into the pig pen. With her heart pounding against her chest, she tried desperately to hush the grunting and squealing of the pigs.

"Hannah!" Kate waited but there was no response. "Hannah?" She said more gingerly this time.

Hannah scurried on all fours through the mud and grabbed the pitchfork on the far side of the pen. Up on her feet but crouched, she crept over to the gate and slowly peered up and over. Some kind of heavy mist was streaming out from the opened hatch and smothering the floor. It flowed and as it touched the fire, it extinguished it. Hannah's eyes darted back and forth but saw nothing. Hearing Kate call out startled the busty redhead and that's when the low buzzing sound of giant wings filled the air.

"Run!" Hannah screamed as she pumped her arms and legs, racing for the exit.

Kate only caught a glimpse of her friend before she was snatched away by a gigantic shadow and lifted up. The young brunette was frozen by an overwhelming wave of fear. Her legs turned to jelly as she turned and stumbled away from the barn. Buzzing wings vibrated overhead and the creature thudded down to be between Kate and the house. It's huge, glossy bug eyes glinted with the orange of the flames. Mandibles clicked as it hissed, watching Kate with an intense curiosity and hunger. It's wings spanned at least twenty feet as it stretched them out, fluttering whilst it's antenna twitched.

"Please." Kate mumbled as her bottom lip wobbled.

The giant insect snapped forward and Kate was thrown to the ground. It quickly scuttled forward to be over the young teen. Globdules of saliva spilled out of its giant maw, flexing its abdomen and rearing its head back with a painfully high pitched screech. With one huge flap of its wings it took off, Kate firmly within its clutches as it's arms wrapped around her.

Hannah had quickly lost grip of the pitchfork when she was snatched up. Fighting against being restrained, the bug had lifted her up and back into the barn, dropping her back to the floor. From so high up, the wind was knocked out of her as she hit the hard dirt, leaving her momentarily dazed. The giant creature landed on top of Hannah, opening its mandibles and spitting a sticky, stringy substance towards her hands and wrists. It quickly hardened, gluing her hands to the floor. Hannah wriggled and writhed, screaming profanities, doing everything she could in the hopes of escaping. This creature had other ideas. Small arms sprang from the base of its abdomen and started to scratch and pull at her tight fitted jeans.

"What - what're you doing!" Hannah yelled in protest.

Multiple sets of arms snapped forward from the underside of it's thorax, exploring, proding and poking at her body and face. Hannah squirmed, pursing her lips and pulling her face away. She then felt the lower arms find purchase at the waistline of her jeans. With no belt and even with a tight fit, the creature pulled with so much force that the fabric ripped and easily came away. Simultaneously, it's arms tore the front of her tank top, exposing her large tits, gorgeous areola and perky nipples.

"Get the fuck off of me!" Hannah demanded before looking down.

The lower abdomen flexed and a slit parted, strings of ooze pushed to the side by a long, hard sexual organ. Small arms latched onto Hannah's waist and jerked her upwards and as soon as it's tip found the folds of her pussy it launched its abdomen forward and buried the entire length of it's cock inside.

"Agh!" Hannah's head fell backwards as pain struck and ran up the entire length of her body. "Fuck, its too big - please!"

The creature's large rod had ploughed through her vagina and was firmly pressed up against her cervix. The lower part of her abdomen contorted and bulged as her internals were thrown around and pounded, pushed aside to make room for this insect's cock. Each thrust was hard and slow, spreading her tight lips as they gripped the thick rod. Hannah fought less, the strength and determination being fucked out of her. The mandibles of the beast clicked and stretched open, revealing a tiny stinger that, with laser precision, stabbed into the side of her neck. The tremendous amount of pain subsided as Hannah felt herself become overwhelmed with lust and desire. Warmth spread throughout her entire body. Her huge, bouncing tits ached and twinged as she longer for them to be licked, sucked and teased. Moving further south, the heat from her crotch was immense and pulsating. Waves of pleasure from each thrust crashed into the young broad. The groans and cries of fear and pain soon turned to moans of pleasure and enjoyment. She longed to be fucked harder, faster. She wanted her new lover to fill her sweet, tight little cunt with it's juices.

"Fuck." Hannah cooed, seeing the creature through a new, hazy lens.

Kates innocent eyes quickly fell upon Hannah as she and the giant insect buzzed through the air. Terror forced yelps and cries for her life before she was dropped onto the wooden boards of the second floor. She scurried backwards and into a corner. Her nails dug into the old wood as the creature approached, hissing and gazing at her with an unsettling intensity. Her legs flailed and kicked once it was close enough. One wild fling of her foot struck the beast and it reeled back in anger. Kate realised her mistake as the insect jerked forward in a flash. It's front limbs raised up and pinned her hands to the wall. Just like the other, smaller arms sprouted from the underside, snapping and clawing at the nubile woman. Kate winced and reeled back but with nowhere to go they inevitably latched onto her face. It's sexual organ was revealed as it's abdomen split, long strings of ooze spilling out and lubing it up. The high-schooler was slender and toned but lacked the strength to keep her head back. As the tony arms pulled her face forward it thrust it's abdomen. Kate's lips split open and the long pink rod slid violently down her throat.

"Mmpf!" Kates groan muffled by the insects cock.

The creature waisted no time in pounding in and against the back of her throat, globdules of a pre-cum like substance already gliding down Kate's gullet. The force kept her head pinned up against the barn wall. She clenched her hands as wide-eyed shock subsided and pain began to creep in as her jaw and mouth was forced open and stretched. She could feel her throat flex and bulge as the insect seemed to want to bury itself deeper. Her legs spasmed and kicked against the floor as her vision started to haze at the corners, realising she couldn't breath. The creature continued without any semblence of care or cocern.

It felt as though time was slowing down. All the fight Kate had in her had been well and truly fucke dout of her. The insect screemed and one final, forceful push sunk it's thick member as deep into the young woman as physically possible. It's thin, pink membrane became fat as huge lumps slowly crawled towards Kate's mouth. She was compeltely unaware until the lump pushed up against her jaw. The insect gently wiggled and writhed until the egg coerced it's way in past her already wide jaw. Kate's body convulsed, her esophagus stretching and stomach expanding to show tiny bumps as the insect laid it's seed inside her. Ooze dribbled out from the corners of her mouth and nose as the torrent continued, eyes rolling back as strange pleasures tickled and tortured her soft skin and innards.

Hannah was being fucked senseless. Loud, low pitched moans filled the lower inteior of the barn. Still on her back, with the small wrapped around her hips, Hannah propped herself up furhter with her legs so that her new lovers thrusts would push deeper. With wild eyed lust Hannah watched it's stiff rod plough her tight pink cunt, distending her lower abdomen with it's sheer force and size.

"Oh fuck - oh god!" She cooed.

The pleasure was on an intesnity that almost overwhelmed the young red head. Instinctively her hips gyrated in rhythm, pushing down on it's cock. The creature responded with deep, gutteral grunts of sort. Hannah bit down on her lip. Those gorgeously perky and round breasts furiously jiggled, thrown back and forth by the sexual wrath the insect was inflicting on her. With delight Hannah felt it's cock throb and twitch. The extraterrestrial beast screamed and shot the first string of it's hot, gooey load.

"Fuck - please - fill me up" Hannah begged.

Quickly it was too much for her tiny pussy as she could feel it streaming out of her. Her toned stomach became a small bump as an orgasm ripped through her vagina and shot up through her body. She twitched and lulled about for a few seconds before collapsing to the dirt as the insect withdrew it's cock, stepping back and seemingly admiring it's work. The sticky, glue like substance began to flake and Hannah slipped her hands free, gently rubbing the new bump in her tummy she sighed and cooed."


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