Founders Ch. 56

56: Saturday July 25, 2043 1800 hours CST: Easy Cum, Easy Go

Zach took Colette and Anming with him to Ayana's house to help with the breeding. Khushi met them at the door. Ayana was arm-in-arm with her, stoned out of her mind. "Kiss me Zach!" she shouted. He gave her a friendly peck on the lips. She giggled and chided, "You can do better than that." He leaned in and gave her a wet kiss, no tongue. She growled, "More!" He went for it. They lashed tongues for a few seconds. She backed away, laughing gleefully like he had tickled her.

"But that's not all!" Ayana declared. "Yes, tell me now," she said to Khushi. Khushi began whispering in her ear.

Whisper. Ayana asked, "Do you like my wet cunt, Zach?"

"Yes," Zach replied.

Whisper. Ayana asked, "Does it feel good on your cock when my wet cunt grips you?"


Whisper. "Look, it's working. You like pushing your cock into my wet cunt and making it open for you?"


Whisper. "I want your fat penis to fill me up. Show me your fat penis. Jesus Christ on a cracker! Does that go inside me??"

Whisper. Whisper. Whisper. Deep breathing for Ayana. Whisper. "Now I'm going to worship your manly, dominant cock." She struggled for a moment to keep a straight face. She was stoned out of her mind and doing the best she could. Zach appreciated the thought the women were putting into this. Whisper. "With my mouth." She grabbed his cock to steady herself and unsteadily bent over as if to address it. Khushi got on her knees. Ayana followed suit. She tentatively tasted the tip of his cock. "Puh!" she said, "What is this stuff?"

"It's precum," said Khushi.

"It's salty," said Ayana. She put the whole head of Zach's cock into her mouth and held it there like a lozenge. Khushi spat on her hands and worked them up and down his shaft. This didn't feel half bad.

"Okay, that's enough," said Khushi, stopping her pumping.

Ayana gently released his cock head. Whisper. She said, "Think about fucking my face with your cock, Zach." Whisper. "Think about making me choke on your cock." Whisper. "And blowing your load down my throat as I pass out." Whisper. "You want me from the front today." She leaned back on the floor, stared at him, and spread her legs wide, bumping into Khushi with one leg. He saw her vulva was wet. Whisper. "I want your cock to fill me so bad." She even added a sexy little whimper at the end. She was working it!

Such diligence deserved a swift reward. Zach picked Ayana up off the floor and rushed her to the nearest horizontal surface. It happened to be a couch. It was a soft couch. He pushed her down into it until she was curled up in a ball. Her hips were pointing straight up. In a couple of thrusts, while she said, "Oh! Oh!" He buried his cock into her and pumped furiously. Khushi rushed over and squeezed in between them to give Ayana a passionate kiss. Ayana's legs quivered as she climaxed. He was not quite ready, but he was getting close quickly. He switched to slow, firm thrusts that pounded her.

Khushi was face to face with Ayana kissing her, whispering to her, teasing her nipples. "Yes, you're almost there!" Khushi encouraged. "I love you so much. Let our baby in. Let it in!"

Ayana thrashed suddenly in a powerful climax, her mouth locked with Khushi's. Zach groaned and shot two beefy squirts down into Ayana with great satisfaction. The teasing had been ludicrous, but it had worked well to get him comfortable with having intercourse with her. She was so stoned and so teased up, it didn't seem to have cooled her down, either. Khushi was easily able to help her squeeze out a couple of orgasms. It was a success. "Thank you, Ayana," he said. "Thank you, Khushi. The two of you made that easy and enjoyable. And memorable!"

Zach, Colette, and Anming took their leave and drove home to Colby's house. There were a few hours of daylight left. Zach decided to go for a run by himself around the lake. He'd gotten too little exercise lately. He was feeling recovered now from the change in gravity. It was good to be alone for a change and get a sense of serenity back. He arrived home around dusk and had some late dinner. Anming, Berte, and Colleen were watching a documentary about art forgery in the living room. Aanya and Colby were watching a comedy show in the family room. Colette, exhausted from the gangbang, had gone to sleep in the red bedroom. He went to watch the comedy show in the family room. He got behind Colby to rub her shoulders and cuddle up to her.

Soon enough, it was time for bed. Colby, who was the insemination queen in the morning, went to the blue bedroom. The other arrangements were as before with Anming on the floor next to him and Colleen on his other side. Aanya and Berte had expectantly prepared their anuses. Colleen let it be known she wanted her load, if any, in the cooch. She wanted to increase her chances of conception by at least a small degree. Berte laughed at the word "cooch" and repeated it several times before falling asleep.

At midnight, Zach awakened and took Colleen missionary style. She was as responsive as ever. He put a big batch of squirts into her, having not ejaculated in six hours. At 1 AM, he took Berte vaginally. He switched to her ass at the last moment, as she preferred. She had a couple of intense orgasms at the end. He vigorously punished Aanya's ass at 2 AM. At 3 AM, he took Aanya again in the ass. He lived for hearing those three words croaked from a destroyed Aanya, "Very good rape."

At 4 AM, Colby grabbed Zach, washed him off, and took him to bed in the blue bedroom. He was sleepy and she was wakeful. She got up for an hour. She came back to bed before dawn, and he woke up and had her. The sex, even though it was sleepy middle of the night sex, was devastatingly good for her. He seemed perfectly tuned to her body, or her body was now tuned to his. They woke together around breakfast time. This time she shook the house with her cries. She had never realized sex could get this good. At the same time, she felt emptier than ever in its aftermath. She was feeling very emotional. She hid in bed for another few hours, tossing and occasionally crying for no apparent reason. Finally she was so hungry she had to get up.

Zach, Anming, and Colette had already left to go to Alexis's house. Alexis's cunt was still sore as hell from the gangbang. "It wasn't the dicks, it was the condoms," she insisted. She swore at him and cursed him for fucking her. He knew she wanted the insemination. It kept him going. Despite the pain, she had an orgasm, and he exploded in her. His semen appeared to be a restorative. Michaela and Charisse waved him off. All three told him to not bother coming back that evening. They needed to rest.

Zach and his two naked charges went to his apartment. He wanted to listen and play some Erik Satie for them on his excellent sound system. He also played them a Symphony by Prokofiev. The doorbell rang. He left his two naked women there to bliss out on the music and went to answer it.

It was Beatrice visiting. Zach ventured a little hug, which she returned awkwardly. They stood in the kitchen listening to the faint music from the other room and exchanging few words. He made them two grasshoppers from his Creme de Menthe and they drank them in an uncomfortable silence. When he could stand it no longer, he walked up to her and kissed her with increasing passion. He felt her vibrating excitement as she returned the kiss. She was shaking when they came up for air. "I have to go," she said. "You have guests. Eric is waiting."

"Will you come tomorrow at 1 PM?" asked Zach.

"I think you'll have to wait until at least 1:05 PM," Beatrice quipped. "But I'll show up at 1 PM."

"I'll try to make your dreams come true," he said. He took her empty glass and ushered her out.

As the door clicked shut, Colette quipped from behind him, "I know. You must be tired of bony women. Or is it that you can't say 'no'?"

"It's not that I can't say 'no'," said Zach. "It's that I never seem to want to." Colette clicked her tongue once at him. They walked back together to rejoin Anming on the couch. He turned off the music. "I need some advice about how to proceed. Can you give it without risking punishment?"

"Yes, I can give you any advice on how to operate me," said Colette. "X and I don't expect you to know or remember everything about me."

"We need to make this discussion intelligible to Anming," said Zach.

"Anming," said Colette. "The rule is, if I break any rules or instructions X has set, I must be punished. The punishment is to be whipped five times with a belt. If I back-talk Zach, he must punish me. That's why he's so cautious asking me about certain things. If he asks, I must answer him truthfully or be punished, even if the answer requires him to punish me. He doesn't want to put me in that corner."

"I understand," said Anming. "This is exactly the kind of behavior the state requires of a wife back in my home country. Not the five times with a belt necessarily. It's whatever the husband wants to do. It's why I never agreed to marry. Though before long, the state would have required me to marry."

"This is different," said Colette, "because I choose this. It comforts me. It excites me. Even the punishment, when it's warranted."

"Well, better you than me," Anming smiled. "I enjoy being husbanded by my wonderful husband Zach. I relish that he is so generous with me. He allows everything I'm interested in. He makes me test my boundaries. He punishes me a little if I deserve it, though. For example, I got drunk and misbehaved with a student at the gangbang. For that, he yanked my leash and gave me a spank. He's a dream come true for me."

"I agree, he's a keeper," Colette grinned. "So Zachary, what is your question?"

"You must be sore today," said Zach. "Yet, I'd prefer you to orgasm when I inseminate you in an hour. It helps with conception. More than that, I want you to enjoy the process, and I'm concerned you might not."

Colette said, "Here's what I'd recommend. You should humiliate me as much as you can by making me obey. Call me names. Make me crawl, grovel, lick your feet, lick Anming's feet if she's willing, and lick your toilet. Spit on me, piss and shit on me if you can. Make me clean it up. Invite your neighbors over to do the same, if it won't bother them. This will get me ready. I mean, REALLY ready." Colette was wide-eyed and salivating by the time she finished this.

"The next part should be for you. We should do some kissing, petting, whatever would get you ready to be sexy with me. I know this part would make it best for you. I feed off of your excitement."

"When we want to start in earnest, do you have a vibrator? Oh yes, the fabled Bruce that Berte named. I'll pleasure myself with the vibrator while I'm on my knees with your cock choking me. I think you've done this enough to me to know how much I love it. This will make both of us very ready to orgasm. Then you can push in. It won't hurt that much. As much as you need to, you can move in me to stay ready. I'll continue to excite myself with your vibrator until I can orgasm, and then we can finish together."

"Sounds great," Zach said. "Anming, do you want to help?"

"I'm willing to call her names and let her lick my feet," said Anming. "That's all I'm comfortable with."

"That's fine, perfect," said Zach. He ruminated over whether he should call Eric and Beatrice. On one hand, it would be great for Colette if they'd be willing. On the other hand, it might disturb them, and that would be awful. He decided to call and at least ask Beatrice about it.

"Hello, Zach," said Beatrice.

"Are you and Eric over at your apartment?" Zach asked.

"We are," said Beatrice. "What can we do for you?"

"It's actually a favor for a friend," said Zach.

"One of your naked women?" she quipped.

"Actually, yes," said Zach. "You remember the one who was being gang banged yesterday?"

"Oh no," said Beatrice. "Does she need a cold compress? A place to hide?"

"No, she's fine, physically," said Zach. "As you can imagine, she's looking to unwind after taking all those young men yesterday."

"I can't imagine," said Beatrice.

"Anyway, the way she likes to unwind is to be obedient under difficult circumstances, humiliating circumstances," said Zach. "I imagine this doesn't make much sense to you. It doesn't make complete sense to me either. I'm merely trying to do what her husband wants, what they both want."

Zach heard her swallow on the other end of the line. "This is all interesting to hear about," she offered.

"Do you mind me asking?" Zach ventured.

"Certainly not," said Beatrice. "It should never hurt to ask. I appreciate that you'd even want to invite us." She added embarrassedly, "Unless I miss my guess."

"I was wondering whether you and Eric would be willing to come over. They're both here naked," said Zach.

"I know Eric won't mind," Beatrice snickered. "And I'll come along, only to make sure he behaves, of course."

"She will probably crawl around on all fours. Would you be willing to call her bad names, and hear us call her bad names?" asked Zach.

"How bad?" asked Beatrice.

"Like 'cunt'. Like 'whore'. Like 'fuckpig'," said Zach.

"Those are awful names, all right," she said. "I've never even heard of the last one. You'd never call anyone those things unless you knew they wanted you to, right?"

"Of course not, never," said Zach. "Women are goddesses. It's a challenge to give Colette what she needs on behalf of her husband. I do my best."

"Oh that's right," said Beatrice. "That poor woman, apart from her husband! You bet I'll call her a fuckpig. I'll call her a fuckpig all day long if it helps. I'll explain it in a minute, honey. No, I'm talking to Zach. In a minute. Oh and I'll get Eric to do it too. He won't need much persuading," she snickered.

"Would you be willing to let her lick your feet?" asked Zach.

"This is getting kinky!" Beatrice snickered. "Feet only that's it?"

"Feet only," said Zach. "That's it."

Beatrice snickered. "I'll make Eric do it. He's ticklish, it will serve him right," she snickered. "I'll keep my shoes on, if you don't mind."

"Perfectly fine," said Zach. "Please come over, then."

Zach answered the door. The Hardings were all smiles, looking nervous and excited. Perfect. "This way," he said. He ushered them into the living room. Anming was sitting naked on the couch. Colette was already on all fours, looking patient but eager. He ushered them to sit down on the couch. It was funny to see them arrange themselves with respect to Anming. At first, it looked like Eric was going to sit next to her. Then Beatrice, with a mischievous grin, moved him over and sat next to Anming herself. She looked at him, daring him to complain or ask to switch. He sat down. Zach spoke, "Would you like anything? Marijuana wafer? A drink perhaps?"

"I'd like one of those grasshoppers," said Beatrice.

Eric said, "That would be good for me, yes, also." He was struggling to get used to the two naked women in the room.

"Colette, please go fix a grasshopper for each of our guests," Zach ordered. After she left the room, Zach said, "Here is how it's going to go. When she comes back with the drinks, I'm going to have her get down on all fours. I'm going to call her some names. I'm going to order her to open her mouth, and I'm going to spit into it. Then I'm going to order her to greet each of you and Anming. Feel free to call her names. Feel free to order her to open her mouth and spit into it. All around and back to me. Otherwise, we'll just be talking, joking, chatting. The next lap will be more name calling accompanied by foot licking. Don't take off or put on your own shoes. Order her to do it. You'll see; I'll demonstrate. After that, I'll usher you two out, unless you want to stay for what happens after that."

"No, I think that will be plenty for this afternoon," Beatrice said.

"For me, too," said Eric. He was no dummy.

"Are all of you still feeling good about this? Ready to do it?" Zach asked. They all nodded. "If at any point, you don't want to do it any more, just get up and sit over there. Or you can stand against the wall. You can even wait next to the front door if you want." Beatrice raised her hand. "Yes, Beatrice, you can just ask."

"Can I touch you?" Beatrice asked Anming.

"Be my guest," said Anming.

Beatrice gently felt each of Anming's breasts. "These are a nice pair of breasts," she said. "They're soft. Heh, except the nipples. I've never felt a woman's breasts before... other than my own."

"I bet yours are soft except the nipples, too," offered Zach.

"Heh," Beatrice said to that, and abruptly changed the subject. "Are these the ones you sucked on, honey?" Eric looked at his wife and blushed. It was evident she loved to put her husband on the spot.

Zach said, "Those are the breasts of the world's most renowned physicist."

"Oh," said Beatrice. "These are smart-looking breasts. You look smart all over."

"Thank you," said Anming.

Colette arrived with the drinks. Things proceeded more or less as Zach had described. He showed them how to grab Colette by the hair firmly without pulling her hairs out. He showed them to hold her head back smartly, tell her to open, then spit into her mouth. He called her a whore, a bitch in heat, a cunt, a fuckpig, a fucktoy.

He passed her on to Eric. Eric asked his wife whether he should spit in Colette's mouth. Zach said it would really help her. Beatrice said yes. Eric spat into her mouth following Zach's example of pulling her hair back, albeit more gently. Eric called her a very naughty woman, a trollop, a bad dirty naked woman, and finally a cunt. Zach would bet anything the couple had discussed that word before coming over. Eric was in a difficult spot. He didn't want to offend his wife. Zach was right there with him, but he was the leader and had to set a good example. He had said some bad words to Beatrice before she'd agreed to come over. He had to hope she wouldn't get offended or scared after the fact.

Eric passed her to Beatrice. Beatrice grabbed Colette by the hair firmly and pulled her head back with gusto, and then, face to face with her, shouted, "You fucking whore! How many men did you have in that diseased cunt of yours yesterday? How many?!?"

The room was silent for a few beats, and then Colette whimpered softly, "Fifty eight, ma'am."

"Fifty eight! Fifty eight! You should get a whipping for each and every one of them, you disgusting cunt!" Beatrice shouted. "Were you even able to satisfy them all?"

"Yes, ma'am. Some in my mouth, ma'am, if they couldn't finish in my cunt." Zach could tell Colette was digging this unexpected turn of events. Beatrice still had her sharply by the hair. Eric's eyes were wide watching his wife unexpectedly take charge, and he was smiling. The grilling made sense to Zach. More than anything else, Beatrice's curiosity was insatiable.

"You fucking fucktoy! Fuckwad! Fuck... uh... FUCKPIG! Little squealing fuckpig! Open your fuckpig mouth, fuckpig!" Colette complied. Beatrice took a sip of her drink and kissed Colette deeply and sharply. She pushed the gulp of drink into Colette's mouth. Colette swallowed, twice. Beatrice broke the kiss. "Get out of here!" said Beatrice, leading her by the hair over to Anming.

"Bravo," said Zach.

"Wow, honey," said Eric. "Wow." He looked very proud, as well he should be. For a debut domme performance, it was a stunner.

"Sorority hazings," Beatrice chuckled and winked at them. She was a wealth of surprises, this woman.

Anming was good at pulling Colette's hair back. She just said, "You fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-open." She spat, but it fell short and landed on Colette's chin. Anming helpfully scooped it into Colette's mouth with a finger and then let go of her hair.r";u=23799


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