Morning Star

Ethics caught up with technology by 2056. Strict limits were placed on the scope of cosmetic surgery and genetic tampering. But as always throughout human history, there are those who don't feel the law applies to them, and have the wealth to buy 'protection'.

I woke up confused and dozy. I went back to sleep. I woke up, and the colours were light and everything smelled like something I remember. But what? I went back to sleep. I woke up. The smell? Doctor's office?

I woke up again. It's a hospital. My bed is surrounded by cloth screens. I can't move. A sheet is pulled up to my chin. I need to wiggle my fingers, but they seem stuck.

"Whinny!" What? That was me. I'll call a nurse. "Whinny." What The Fuck?

"Oh, I see we're awake. Don't try to talk. How about a sip of water?" Nurse held the drinking straw to my lips. "You just relax, I'll call the Doctor for you."

I try to remember. An accident? Yes, a trial. I was sentenced to three months in jail. What next? A lady cop in the van. I'm in an orange jump suit. She's nice. "Thirsty, here have some Coke." She handed me a paper cup and poured some Coke into it. The coke was a bit off. "Tired? It's OK to lay across the bench."

A fat little man wearing a white smock comes back with the nurse.

"Nurse, remove the IV drip. Lets start with your pulse and blood pressure, shall we?" He held the little recorder to my neck for a moment. It beeped. "There, everything normal. Good."


"Calm down. Don't try to speak. Just relax. Nurse, give the patient a (Unpronounceable) to calm her down."

Doctor stepped back as nurse motored the bed up to a reclining sitting position. She slipped a little pill into my mouth and held the drinking glass up for me.

"While that takes effect let me explain what's going on. You were on a bad path. I've seen it all before. I can guarantee in five years you'd be a crack whore, or dead."

What did Doctor Do Good know I was just turning a few tricks until I landed a good job.

"But now, a sponsor has given you an elegant new direction for your life, and all you have to do is relax and enjoy your ride.

"Now this may seem a little strange at first, but relax and lets see what I've done for you. Nurse."

She was on the opposite side of the bed. Together they rolled the sheet down to my waist.

Holy Shit! They're huge. My tits. Must be 44 D cup size.

"Like them?"

Nursey gave them a little fondle. Was she a lez.?


"Calm down. Don't try to speak. The nose and throat surgeon modified your voice box. lets show you why."

They pulled the sheet right off.

For once I was actually speechless. I thought it was just a figure of speech, but I was dumbstruck. Even if I could still talk, I could barely think of words to describe what I felt.

Below my restrained wrists were hoofs. Fucking horse hooves. Shiny and black. At the end of my strapped down legs were two more shiny black hooves. No wonder I couldn't wiggle my fingers. I didn't have any. Or toes!

That pill must be some powerful shit. I knew in part of my mind I should be mad, or scared, or something, but the rest of my mind was saying 'Wo! This is weird shit girl. Wait till I tell Franny about this. Fucking hooves. Cool.'

"There. Now are you feeling calm?"

I nodded.

"Nice and calm?"

I nodded again.

"You'll be a good pony girl if nurse releases your restraints?"

I nodded.

"Good pony. Now let us help you up and get you sitting on the edge of the bed. Easy now. Just sit still a minute."

It took a few seconds for the dizziness to go away.

"OK now? Good. Nurse and I have you. I want you to slide off the edge of the bed onto your hooves. Nurse and I have you. Whenever you're ready. OK?"

"Neee!" My hooves were on fire.

"I know, you're hooves hurt. That's normal. You're all right. We've got you."

I realize on thing that's so disorienting. I must now be six feet tall. Even in heels I wasn't this tall before.

"Try a step. Just a small one. Easy, we've got you."

Ouch, ouch!

"Good pony. Try another."

Ouch. Another. Another.

"Good pony. Good girl. You're doing just fine. Good pony."

I made it across the room. They stopped me in front of the bathroom door.

"Lets get a look at ourselves, shall we?"

The nurse opened the door all the way so I could see myself in the full height mirror on the inside of the door.

Shit! My face was all I recognized, but why was I wearing makeup? Bright red lipstick. foundation and a swipe of blush to accentuate my cheeks. Blue eye shadow and long lashes.

But the rest of me? My hair was shaved off. My tall ears were covered with fine black fur. I turned them and then laid them back. Wait! How did I do that? I just thought I wanted to and did it. I swished my mid thigh length tail. What! Tail? TAIL?

"Don't worry. Your beautiful black main will grow back soon. We had to shave your head for the surgery on your ears and to drill a tiny hole for the nano machines that re-wired your brain and delivered the genetic material.

I lifted my fore hooves to my tits.

"Beautiful aren't they? Your owner wasn't convinced, but the doctor showed her some computer simulations and she chose this set."

I mover my left hoof to my lips. "You like the shade. Your owner chose all your makeup. It's permanent of course, or until she wants something different."

I felt my knees buckle. "I think it's time to get pony back to bed, doctor."

They half carried me as I crossed back to my bed.

Nurse pulled a TV over on an overhead track.

"You just rest. Here's something to watch. Hold you're ears still while I adjust the head phones."

Even back in bed my hooves hurt. I realized I couldn't massage them with my fore hooves. Nurse rubbed my ankles. That helped a bit.

"The pain will soon be all gone, pony. You'll see. So relax and watch the TV for now." She turned on the TV and left.

It started with an infomercial. A sweeping panorama of a park like setting with a big mansion in the middle. "Welcome to the Badder Covie Institute. The world leader in cosmetic surgery and re-constructive medicine" The screen faded to vignettes of men and women transformed from normal to ponies puppies, and kittens. Highly illegal, not to mention immoral. A 'crime against humanity' in the world court. But here it was. Here I was!

There was music. I must have fallen asleep.

" Wake up pony. Time to meet your therapists."

I remember a shred of a dream. I was proud to be an elegant pony, pulling a beautiful lady in a golden cart, to the admiration of cheering onlookers. Weird.

Flanking nurse were a slim dark haired woman, and a very handsome blond haired man. Mm, stud.

"This is Marsha and Jayson, I'll leave you in their care."

"Hello pony. We're going to help your transition to a beautiful pony."

"OK, now Jayson and I want you stand up. Ready? We're right beside you."

They walked me across the room, out the door and across the hall. My hooves hurt, but not quite as bad as the first time. When we left the carpeted room my hooves 'clip clopped' on the hall's tiles.

"Good pony. Now, when you're ready, walk back to your bed. We won't hold your arms this time, but Marsha and I are right beside you. Take your time."

"There. Good pony."

Don't they know my name is Erin? Oh well.

After helping me into bed they asked if I wanted privacy, or would I like the screens pulled back. I motioned for them to be pulled back.

My first impression, I'm embarrassed to say was "Bimbo."

She had long straight pink hair. Plump glossy pink lips. High cheeks with a touch of accent. Slightly slanted vivid blue eyes. Around her neck, wrists and ankles were pink fur cuffs with a big chrome ring on each. She had big boobs and long legs. When she turned towards me I realized her fur collar was as much part of her as my new tail was part of me.

I waved a fore hoof and neighed 'hello'.

She gave me a wave and a wiggle of her long elegant fingers with the long pink nails. Then she pointed at her mouth, shrugged and held her hands out palm up in a 'what can I say' gesture. She smiled. Her teeth were sparkly white. She licked her lips.

I was stunned! She poked her tongue out. Must have been six inches. But more disturbing, it was split. The two halves wound around each other, first in a right hand spiral, then a left hand one.

She pulled her tongue back in, smiled weakly and gave another palms up shrug.

We just looked at each other, unable to communicate.

A while later Nurse and Marsha came back with a stainless steel cart of food.

"Lunch time darlings!"

My room mate swung her legs off the bed and Nurse rolled over a table and set out her lunch on it. Marsha set my lunch out on a table, but didn't roll it over to my bed.

"Now sweetie, time for your first pony meal. Stand up."

My lunch was in two bowls. One held a clear broth, the other several sugar cube sized pieces of different colours.

"This is all the nutrition you need to stay healthy. Because this is your first solid meal since your surgery it'll be a light lunch. Now, bend down and pick up one of the cubes with your lips. Chew it well, and try to guess what it is."

Actually easier than it sounded. I chewed. Rare steak with a hint of garlic.

"Now some broth."

A bit harder. Chicken?

Another cube. Cherry pie.

More broth.

Another cube. Salad with blue cheese dressing.

When I finished she took me to the bathroom. That was the first time I had my face cleaned and tail brushed by a person.

Jayson was waiting in the room. "Lets see if we can get to the end of the hall, beautiful."

Every day the walks got longer. One morning I was introduced to the halter, and they would take turns walking me, and soon running with me around the gym.

One day when we got back my room mate was on her feet, and nurse was locking a chain to the ring at her throat. She was wearing a tiny, snug cream satin mini dress and ankle strap stilettos with clear sparkly heels and straps.

"Ready Wanda?" Said the nurse, "Your Master and Mistress are anxious to meet their new fuck doll."

With a long finger she brushed her pink hair back from her left eye and nodded, smiling enthusiastically. As she was led out she turned her head, smiled, blew me a kiss and gave a little finger wave.

Odd, I can understand being glad to be a beautiful pony, like me, but a fuck doll?"

"Right pony, lets get you groomed." They combed my mane and tail. Jayson rubbed me down with a damp cloth. Oh you two, throw me down and fuck me, don't stop with the foreplay! I bent down and tried to kiss Marsha as she took off my halter one afternoon.

"Hey, looks like you've got a friend."

"Calm down pony."

As Jayson was haltering me one morning, I wondered what it must be like to have soft fore hooves with those flexible sausage things, and why they always wore coverings over their hind hooves.

"Good morning Pony. Big day today! lets get you all groomed, because today you meet your owner."

We went to a big room. Doctor, an older elegant lady, and a young lady were there. The older lady had her silver hair pulled back in a bun. Below her grey leather coat, with it's sumptuous grey fur collar a light blue ankle length skirt fell to her high, two inch heel dove grey boots.

The young lady wore a red plaid blouse, jeans and work boots. Her auburn hair was in a pony tail.

I was led by Marsha around the room several times.

"Doctor, you've done wonders. She's beautiful."

"Madam is too kind."

"Let's settle the account while Julie gets her loaded."

Marsha gave my lead to 'Julie', opened a door and we went out to a big cement floored garage area. There was a white van, 'West Heath Farms' in small letters on it's white sides, and dark tinted windows. There was a woman in uniform leaning on a sedan with tinted windows.

Julie got me sitting on the back seat of the van and did up my seat belt. "There you go sweetie. Won't be long now and you'll be at your new home. Just relax and enjoy the ride."

Julie got in the drivers seat. The elegant lady into the back of the sedan. A roll up door was opened and out we went. What a surprise! We weren't coming out of the elegant hospital from the TV, but a plain steel industrial building in any city's industrial estate.

Out to the freeway, Eventually onto a secondary highway. Then along a narrow paved country road. We turned onto a gravel lane into a bush. The kind of lane you'd pass every day and never notice. Around the first bend the lane became paved, just before a high steel gate that a lady in uniform opened for us.

The trees fell away and the lane headed across an huge expanse of cultivated fields. A ways ahead was a clump of white buildings with slate roofs. We went through an arched opening into a courtyard. The car didn't.

Julie unloaded me and another lady in work clothes backed the van back through the opening, then shut the steel gate. The older lady, my owner, came through a small door. I seemed to tower over her five foot four or five'

"Pretty, isn't she Julie?"

"Oh yes Mam."

The lady's gloved hand slid down the small of my back, down my rump, and down my left leg. "Good legs. Nice and strong."

"Yes Mam."

"Good. Well, you get her settled in. We'll name her tomorrow at parade."

Don't I have a name? What was it? I thought......

Julie led me through a barn with box stalls along one side. We went right through and out a door at the opposite end to an area of fine gravel. There was a white fence and a gate to a paddock. There was a big bronze bell Julie rang before leading me through the gate. A bunch of pony girls came to us.

"Ponies, this is your new stable mate. She hasn't been named yet."

Two tall black pony girls with muscular legs and long white manes and tails stood with their hips just touching.

"These two are Robin and Rosie."

The strawberry blond. "This is Lilly."

The red head "Maggie."

And last, the one who's black mane was turning grey, "Princess."

They all nickered and nodded. Julie took the lead off my halter. "You get to know each other. It's almost lunch time."

Princess inclined her head and pointed a fore hoof towards a shade tree with backless benches arranged in a 'U' under it. We all followed her. She was obviously the herd's alpha.

I realized Robin and Rosie were a team. Always with Robin on Rosie's right.

We flicked our tails over the benches and sat. Princess nickered and whinnied. I realized everyone was looking pointedly at me. Was that a question? That was my introduction to pony language.

By the time the bell rang I could recognize everyone's name in whinny, nickers and ear movements, even tough I mispronounced them half the time. It's a start.

There was a groom waiting for each of us at the gate. I realized they were all girl humans. My groom, Julie, clipped the lead onto my halter. We were all led into the stable.

"This will be yours." Julie led me into a box stall, closing it's door behind us. Three walls were eight feet high with horizontal foot wide plank siding. The front wall and door was planked up five feet. From there to the height of the other walls were vertical inch diameter black bars, topped with a horizontal wood beam. Against the rear wall was a bed. On the right a foot ( or should I say hoof) flushed toilet and a drinking fountain.

Julie took off my halter. "Be back in a minute with your lunch dear." after she left with my halter I realized the latch on the door needed the dexterity of a human fore hoof to open.

She returned with two shallow bowls that she hung on brackets on the front wall. One contained food cubes, the other apple slices.

"Bon appetite. I'll be back after you have lunch and a bit of a rest. Then we'll start your training."

The food was good, and my bed comfortable.

Julie returned with a different halter. "Here we are. This is a bridle. It has a bit. Now, be a good pony and open your mouth. Take your time getting the bit in a comfortable position... Nice and easy... Good pony. OK let's do up the buckles... Good girl. Good pony"

It took a few seconds deciding where to put my tongue with the hard rubber bit across my mouth. A long leather rein hung from the ring on each end of the bit.

Julie gathered the reins just below my chin in her left hand and opened the door with her right. "Come along sweetie." In the passage way other ponies were being strapped into harnesses. Their grooms talking as they worked.

"You're my pretty pony."

"Good girl, good Lilly."

"Calm down Maggie, we'll get going soon."

Julie took me to the pasture. "Lets start nice and easy. I'm going to drape your reins over your shoulders........OK?....Now, if I pull this rein, turn left....This one turn right....If I flip them, go, or speed up...If I pull back like this, slow or stop.. Ready? Here we go."

We started at a walk. Forward. Stop. Forward. Turn. Soon Julie had me running, with her running behind. "Good pony. Good girl. Head up. Knees high. Oh you're a beautiful pony. Good pony." and so on as we ran, trotted and walked.

After a while Julie took me to a different part of the stable complex. The room's walls were covered with harnesses hanging from pegs.

"Well! Who's this pretty pony?"

"Grandmother hasn't named her yet, Mable." I soon realized the grooms all called our owner 'Grandmother', even to her face.

"Well, lets get her measurements."

I thought the lady did a bit too much touching and feeling as she measured me.

"Here, lets try this one."

Adjustments here and there and I was dressed in a black leather harness. Between my legs it was like a soft leather thong, with an opening for my tail to be pulled through as they dressed me. There was a padded belt around my waist, and arm bands on my lower fore legs. Thin leather straps went over my shoulders. Soft satin lined half cups cradled my boobs. There were shiny metal rings everywhere.

"Well, don't you look adorable." said Mable.

"Come sweetie, lets do some more exercises and get used to the harness. See you at supper Mable."

By the time we finished, were groomed and had supper I was dead tired. Julie showed me how to stick my hooves into the cups on the blanket so I could pull it up by myself. Then she surprised me by kissing my cheek.

"Sweet dreams, beautiful. I'll be back in the morning."

"Up already? Must be excited about you naming. Here's you breakfast. Don't rush, lots of time to get you groomed before parade."

Julie led me out to the end of the lineup in the court yard, where the other's were all hitched to carts and held by their grooms just below their bridles. Rosie and Robin were hitched side by side to a four wheel cart.

Our owner and the little girl with her were dressed alike. White blouses under short black velvet jackets. Ankle length dove grey wool skirts and old fashion lace up pointed toe boots.

They started at the far end, stopping for Grandma to speak with each groom and look at her pony girls.

"Julie, good morning, you remember my granddaughter Arabella?"

"Yes of course. Good morning Mam, Arabella."

"What do you think of this pony, dear?"

"She's beautiful Grandma."

"This pony is new. She doesn't even have a name. Would you like to name her?"

"Oh Grandma! May I? Really? Let me think...I know! Morning star. Like the pony in my favorite picture book when I was a little girl."

"Why, that's a lovely name, dear. Don't you think?"

"Yes Mam. A beautiful name."

"And you know what else dear? Morning Star is gong to be yours. Your first pony."


"That's right dear. Julie is going to teach you all about ponies. How to look after them, harness them and everything. Aren't you Julie?"

"That's right. We'll have lots of fun together learning all about Morning Star."

"When can I start Grandma?"r"徳永愛미즈노_에이타


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